40 Days of Prayer

40 Days of Prayer

40 Days of Prayer Week 2: Repentance

RepentanceWeek 2 | January 10–16 Dear Praying Friends, Last week we encountered the holiness of God. Such a vision caused Isaiah to declare that he was ruined and unclean. Truly encountering the light of God’s holiness reveals our unholiness. This week, we will ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and reveal attitudes and behaviors that are sinful and displeasing to the Lord. As He does, let’s be honest and humble, confessing and asking for forgiveness, repenting and turning away…

40 Days of Prayer Week 1: The Holiness of God

The Holiness of GodWeek 1 | January 3–9 Dear Praying Friends, Welcome to the 40 Days of Prayer! Thanks for joining this time as we seek the Lord together. This week our focus is on the holiness of God. Our God is perfect, without flaw, and totally separate from sin. John puts it this way: “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all” (1 Jn. 1:5b). In the original language, these words are expressed by using a…