40 Days of Prayer Week 2: Repentance

40 Days of Prayer Week 2: Repentance

Week 2 | January 10–16
Dear Praying Friends,

Last week we encountered the holiness of God. Such a vision caused Isaiah to declare that he was ruined and unclean. Truly encountering the light of God’s holiness reveals our unholiness. This week, we will ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and reveal attitudes and behaviors that are sinful and displeasing to the Lord. As He does, let’s be honest and humble, confessing and asking for forgiveness, repenting and turning away from our sin and toward our Lord Jesus.

Beyond just our personal transgressions, there are perhaps corporate sins within our churches that need to be confessed. No doubt, there are also national evils, like abortion, which we need to confess. As Nehemiah did in his opening prayer, we can confess the sins of the society or nation of which we are a part. As you confess and repent this week, anticipate a wonderful encounter with the grace of our Lord to extend forgiveness and do His work of transformation.

Keep the faith!

Terry D. Smith Vice President for Church Ministries

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