Posts by Pastor Danny (Page 2)

Posts by Pastor Danny (Page 2)

Current COVID 19 Guidelines

Based on current local and state guidelines, Oswego Alliance Church has updated it’s COVID-19 guidelines for all church functions as follows: Face Covering Guidelines: Now that state and local guidelines have adjusted to the CDC recommendations (no mask or social distancing required for vaccinated individuals) we need to adjust as well for the sake of integrity. We have said all along that we will not attempt to out regulate the regulators; so far we have been consistent with that and so far…

If You Can’t Be a Goer…Be a Sender

Despite a global pandemic, The Christian & Missionary Alliance is taking great strides in sending new International and Domestic Workers into the world to fulfill The Great Commission to take All of Jesus to All the World. This Sunday, as we prepare for General Council, we will be taking a special offering to support new workers in The Alliance. In this video Pastor Danny shares the importance of supporting the work of The Alliance.

Left on the Desk: Lent Week Two

Left on the Desk is a tool for those who would like to go deeper in a study of the material from our sermons at Oswego Alliance Church. The concept of “left on the desk” is that with the hours of preparation that goes into a sermon, only about 30 minutes makes it to the congregation and the rest is…well…left on the desk. During Lent we are shifting from our sermon emphasis to looking at the topic of fasting from…

Left on the Desk: Lent Week One

Left on the Desk is a tool for those who would like to go deeper in a study of the material from our sermons at Oswego Alliance Church. The concept of “left on the desk” is that with the hours of preparation that goes into a sermon, only about 30 minutes makes it to the congregation and the rest is…well…left on the desk. During Lent we are shifting from our sermon emphasis to looking at the topic of fasting from…

Left on the Desk: Hebrews 4:14-5:10

Left on the Desk is a tool for those who would like to go deeper in a study of the material from our sermons at Oswego Alliance Church. The concept of “left on the desk” is that with the hours of preparation that goes into a sermon, only about 30 minutes makes it to the congregation and the rest is…well…left on the desk. This tool is designed to give you some of that information to guide you deeper into the…