A Gospel Attitude

A Gospel Attitude

Gospel Unity-Study Questions

Philippians 2:1-11

  • As you prayed this week, how did God reveal to you the ways he specifically wants to use you to foster gospel unity in the church?
  • Read Philippians 2:1, in what specific ways can you share you have experienced, encouragement in Christ, comfort from love, fellowship in the Spirit, affection and sympathy?
  • The phrase “in full accord” in Philippians 2:2 is the only time this phrase is used in the Bible and means “one souled”. How does the church being “one souled” help you understand the importance of gospel unity?
  • In the sermon, it was said that “being of the same mind” means to have the same way of thinking, how does unity in thinking differ from uniformity in thinking?
  • What are some things in the church that Christians have mistakenly required uniformity in thinking on that have created quarrels that are not inherent to the gospel?
  • How does it help you to know that Paul is not speaking from just theology, but he is speaking from personal experience in dealing with those who have selfish ambitions in the church? How does his response to it in his life help you in navigating it in church relationships today?
  • Why do you think having a manner of life worthy of the gospel (Phil. 1:27) is the “only” thing Paul wants from the Philippians?
  • How have you seen the anti-gospel attitudes of selfish ambition and conceit creep into your own life?
  • Why is seeing what Paul writes in Philippians 2:5-8 so important for understanding the gospel attitude of humility and gospel unity?
  • Spend some time in prayer asking God for forgiveness for attitudes of selfish ambition and conceit, for eyes to see relationships that need to be repaired and for a heart that reflects the humility of Jesus Christ.


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