We are sorry that the Mercantile was closed last Friday, January 24, due to inclement weather. Any shopper from “week 4” is welcome to come shop this Friday, January 31st. (We will be open this 5th Friday of the month as a special one time event).

If Oswego City Schools are closed, the Mercantile will be closed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Open Most Fridays from 11 am – 3 pm
Most months have 4 Fridays and those months the Mercantile will be open every Friday. When a month has 5 Fridays, the Mercantile will be closed on the 5th Friday of the month. This year, 2025, the Mercantile will be closed May 30th, August 29th and October 31st. (Even though January 31 is a 5th Friday, we will be open for those that were unable to shop due to weather related closing on Friday January 24.)

Open to all on Public Assistance
$10 Credit once a month
Available: Clothing, Shoes, Small Household Items, Bedding, Towels, Cleaning Supplies and Non-Perishable Food.

Location: Oswego Alliance Church Community Center, 370 Thompson Rd, Oswego NY
For any questions: Please call the church office at (315) 342-5493 or email: office@oswegoalliance.org