'Food' Tagged Posts
Free Easter Meal Delivery
Free Easter Meal Delivery Oswego Alliance Church will offer a free Easter Dinner delivered between 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Saturday, March 30th to the first 200 meals ordered only. Delivery will be to homes within the Oswego City School District. Call church office M-Th 9-2, starting April 7th and ending April 19th before noon to reserve: 315-342-5493 If no one answers, please leave a message and someone will call you back. Leave detailed message including name, address, phone…
Mobile Food Pantry: 4/18/25 4 pm
Mark your calendars! Next mobile food pantry is Friday April 18th at 4. The Oswego County Health Department partners with the Food Bank of Central New York to bring the Mobile Food Pantry to our county. The Oswego Alliance Church is glad to be a place where this occurs.Anyone in need of food assistance is encouraged to attend and receive a free box of food.***The food boxes are limited to one per household and will be distributed while supplies last.…
Mobile Food Pantry: 4/18/25 4 pm
The Oswego County Health Department partners with the Food Bank of Central New York to bring the Mobile Food Pantry to our county. The Oswego Alliance Church is glad to be a place where this occurs.Anyone in need of food assistance is encouraged to attend and receive a free box of food.***The food boxes are limited to one per household and will be distributed while supplies last. ***There are no income requirements for families and individuals wishing to receive food.Drive…
Volunteers needed for Mobile Food Pantry
We are in need of new regular helpers to load cars on delivery days. Delivery is at Oswego Alliance Church, usually once a month, for about 2-3 hours. Delivery will start up again in the Spring, possibly in April. Contact Judy Reidy for more information: office@oswegoalliance.org 315-383-4720
Mercantile is Closed due to snow
Open Most Fridays from 11 am – 3 pm Most months have 4 Fridays and those months the Mercantile will be open every Friday. When a month has 5 Fridays, the Mercantile will be closed on the 5th Friday of the month. This year, 2025, the Mercantile will be closed May 30th, August 29th and October 31st. (Even though January 31 is a 5th Friday, we will be open for those that were unable to shop due to weather related…
Better Together Lunch Together 3/23/2025
Better Together Lunch Together Bring your best chili and cornbread as we share lunch together after service. There are signup sheets on the table in the Narthex to let us know what you will bring.
Food Sense Fulton Pick Up and Other Food Resources
Food Sense, Fulton Pick Up Free Monthly Community Dinner – Fulton Freewill Dinner – Oswego Freewill Dinner – Minetto Additionally, there are Mobile Food Pantries across Oswego County – you can typically find updated flyers at: https://health.oswegocounty.com/mobile_food_pantry.php – upcoming locations: For other Food Sense and Mobile Food Pantry locations throughout Oswego County (Central Square, Phoenix and Pulaski) as well as contiguous counties, refer to contact info at www.foodbankcny.org/find-food Erin’s Angels of CNY does Amazon Giveaways each month for various school districts. To stay updated on the latest giveaways follow www.facebook.com/ErinsAngelsCNY.
Mercantile is Open 11-3
Open Most Fridays from 11 am – 3 pm Most months have 4 Fridays and those months the Mercantile will be open every Friday. When a month has 5 Fridays, the Mercantile will be closed on the 5th Friday of the month. This year, 2025, the Mercantile will be closed May 30th, August 29th and October 31st. (Even though January 31 is a 5th Friday, we will be open for those that were unable to shop due to weather related…
Mercantile Closed if Oswego Schools are Closed
If Oswego City Schools are closed, the Mercantile will be closed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Better Together Soup and Bread Luncheon 1/19/2025 after the service
Better Together Lunch Together – January 19th after service – Please join us for a lunch of soup and homemade bread after the service.