Sermons on Acts
Unconquerable Joy
Unconquerable Joy-Study Questions In the sermon there was a question: Do you struggle to consistently find joy in your life? What is it for you that can make finding consistent joy so challenging? Read the following passages, Psalm 16:11 and Nehemiah 8:10: In the sermon, it was said that true joy is spiritual and can only be found in Jesus Christ. How do these passages help you to understand that statement? What are some of the experiences Paul had on…
The Discipline of Fellowship
The Discipline of Fellowship Acts 2:42-47 Genesis 2:18 (ESV) Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” 1. A Community Fully Devoted to Spiritual Discipline The text properly reads, “the prayers” suggesting specific prayers, probably both Jewish and Christian. The early believers suddenly saw the old formal prayers through new eyes and also, in their new joy, created new prayers of praise. Kent Hughes,…
Lydia, The Giving Leader
Lydia, The Giving Leader
Peter, The Failed Leader
Acts 4:5-20 Failure Is a Building Block for Growth with Jesus Christ
Barnabas: The Cheerleader
One Good Word Can Go A Long Way. Passage: Acts 9:26-31
Paul: The Religious Leader
Paul expanded Paul’s audience because he held unapologetically to the gospel. Paul teaches us that being religious is not necessarily a bad thing and, in fact, when it comes to Everyday Leadership, The World Needs Religious Leaders. Passage: Philippians 3:4-8, Acts 13:44-52