Newsletter (Page 7)

Newsletter (Page 7)


Sunday, November 24, 2024: A Service of Gratitude and Praise 

Sunday, November 24, 2024: A Service of Gratitude and Praise As a church family we will gather together with hearts of gratitude and praise. The origins of Thanksgiving are in harvest festivals. It was customary to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest in the cultures of both the Pilgrims who sailed from England in 1620 and the Native Americans they encountered. At its core, Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude, a virtue that resonates deeply with the Christian faith. Gratitude is…

Sunday, November 24, 2024: A Service of Gratitude and Praise 

Sunday November 24, 2024: A service of Gratitude and Praise As a church family we will gather together with hearts of gratitude and praise. The origins of Thanksgiving are in harvest festivals. It was customary to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest in the cultures of both the Pilgrims who sailed from England in 1620 and the Native Americans they encountered. At its core, Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude, a virtue that resonates deeply with the Christian faith. Gratitude is…

Annual Meeting 12/8/2024 After Service

The Annual Meeting is on December 8th after the church service. We will focus on the 2025 budget and the election of new officers. The preliminary ballot has been posted in the bulletin and on the bulletin board. 

Annual Meeting 12/8/2024 After Service

The Annual Meeting is on December 8th after the church service. We will focus on the 2025 budget and the election of new officers. The preliminary ballot has been posted in the bulletin and on the bulletin board. 

Better Together Lunch Together 11/24/24

Better Together Lunch Together – November 24th – after service We will provide Pulled Pork and Tri-tip.  ***There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are able to bring a side dish of cabbage salad, macaroni & cheese, baked beans or dessert. ***  

Many Hands make light work: Veterans Day Dinnner was held at OAC Community Center November 11th 2024

Veterans Day Dinner On Monday, November 11th, 2024, approximately 50 dinners were served to Veterans and their families at the Oswego Alliance Community Center complemented by thank you cards from children and musical entertainment by The Manley Boys. All attendees seemed very grateful and thankful. It was a pleasure to serve them. Here are just a few photos from last night’s Free Veterans Day Dinner at the Community Center

Romanos coming to visit! Novembver 17th

Romanos are coming to town! Romanos Sharing Sunday Morning at 10 AM Rick and Tammie will be our featured speaker during our morning service at Oswego Alliance Church at 10:00 am. All are welcome to attend. For those desiring to be on the next Dominican Republic trip we will meet following the morning service on Nov. 17th Looking forward to seeing you November17. As always if you have any questions about the upcoming Dominican Republic Trip, please reach out to…