Local and Global Missions

Local and Global Missions

Mission 2535

For anyone interested in participating our upcoming 2025 Trip to the Dominican Republic to serve alongside Mission 2535 (https://mission2535.org/) If you are interested, please let us know. The Romanos will be visiting OAC the weekend of November 16-17. More information about this weekend coming soon. Mission 2535 Our mission is to live out the teachings of Christ in community. At the core of our DNA is Matthew 25:35 & 36 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to…

International Missions

For over a century, the Alliance family has joined together to bring the gospel to the least reached parts of our world. How? By extending our reach to the most neglected and by raising up networks of churches that multiply gospel access. But we aren’t done yet. Today’s Reality Today over 4,000 people groups, representing 40% of our world’s population, have little or no chance to hear the message of Jesus. But opportunities to walk into a country and proclaim…

Tina Zielke-Rwanda

Tina Zielke-Commission to Every Nation Hello from Rwanda! My name is Tina Zielke. Oswego Alliance Church became my home church as a homeless teenager and where I accepted Christ and matured in my faith.  In 2010 I started to feel a prompting to pray for orphans specifically. For some time I thought this was just something between me and the Lord. But that fire was flames more and more each day. After prayerful consideration I decided to go on a…

Alliance Missions: Southeast Asia

B, S, J, S, and E serve as International Workers among an unreached people group in Southeast Asia.  They live in a small town in the eastern most part of their nation and work among migrants who come from areas of their country where the Gospel hasn’t penetrated.  Most of the people they work with are farmers and have low income.  In order to be able to live and serve among their people, they use community development as a means…

Local: Bridge to Hope

Bridge to Hope Bridge to Hope is a local ministry working to provide hope to individuals in Oswego County by providing safe transitional housing for those experiencing homelessness and housing vulnerable individuals and families and to equip them with the tools needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Local: Foster Life

Foster Life is a group in Oswego County NY that seeks to support families involved in foster care While not everyone is able to foster, everyone has a part to play in foster care, what’s your part? How you can get involved in Foster Life We also would like to recruit more foster families as the need is growing while current foster homes become full or close for various reasons. If you would like to join us, please contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/228279713246330

Local: Oswego Community Christian School

About OCCS – Oswego Community Christian School Oswego Community Christian School was founded in 1979 by visionary leaders of Oswego’s Christian community. It was their purpose to offer families a Christian, educational alternative that would excel in the teaching, training and spiritual development of our children. Today, over forty years later, their vision continues to be fulfilled. Nearly twenty churches and ministries are represented by our student population and hundreds of successful graduates are testimonials to our commitment to this…

Local: FRC of Oswego County

The Family Resource Center is a non-profit organization that offers Free Pregnancy Testing, parenting & other classes (you choose!) & material resources (diapers, formula, baby clothing, baby furniture, and more!)

Local: Camp Foundations

Camp Foundations is a Christian summer day camp that serves the surrounding Oswego community for seven weeks during the summer.