5 Steps To Your First Visit
1.How Do I Get There?
Great question! You will find us at 371 Thompson Rd, Oswego, NY 13126. Pop that into the GPS and you should find us with no problems. We’ve also included a handy map for you below.

2. Arrive on Sunday Morning
Our service starts at 10am, Be sure to arrive a little early to park, meet some friendly faces and stop by the coffee bar for some coffee and conversation.
3. Check in the Kids
If you arrive with children, stop by the OAC Kids Check-In area located past the coffee bar. We will register you and your child and get them set up for either OAC Kids or Nursery. OAC Kids is an exciting ministry opportunity for children ages 3-9. During the 10:00 service, children worship with their families and are dismissed partway through the service for Bible lessons and activities in Children’s Church. Nursery is available during the service for children from birth to 2 and a half years old
4. Join the Service
Come on in! Our goal is to provide you with a place to experience God as reflected in Scripture. Each service lasts about an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half. On the first Sunday of the month, we have communion. We will have readings, singing of hymns and modern worship songs, prayers, offerings and the preaching of God’s Word. How you participate will be entirely up to you and how God moves in your heart.
5. Fill out a Connection Card and place it in the Offering Plate
In the pew back in front of your seat please find a connection card, fill it out and place it in the offering plate.