Speakers for Journey Together Retreat Announced
We are excited to announce our speakers for the Journey Together Women’s Retreat, March 1st at Grace and Glory Wendy Smith, Jess Goodnough, Allison Prosser and Carla Ratzlaff Get Inspired! Register before 2/27~ https://oswegoalliance.org/event/5600/
Worship Leaders for Journey Together Retreat Announced
Our worship leaders for the Journey Together retreat on March 1 at Grace and Glory will be Cali, Jillian and Caitie! What a blessed time together it will be! Come Join Us! Register before 2/27~ https://oswegoalliance.org/event/5600/
Journey Together Women’s Retreat 3/1/2025
Saturday March 1, 2025 9am-3pm Cost is $10 and can be given to: Terri Muckey Grace and Glory, 7877 NY 104, Oswego, NY 13126
Ladies’ devotional and Prayer Group meets again January 9, 2025!
Ladies’ Devotional and Prayer Group will not meet today, December 26th or next Thursday. January 2nd. Looking forward to seeing you in Thursday, January 9, 2025! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
New Meeting Day for Women’s Devotional and Prayer Group
Now meeting Thursdays at 6:30 pm at OAC The Women’s Devotional and Prayer group will start meeting on Thursdays September 19, 2023 Led by Amy Skinner, Lisa Meeker and Terri Bouffard Any questions: please email the church office at office@oswegoalliance.org Come even if you don’t have the book yet!
Women’s Fall Refocus at Delta LAKE SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2024
There is still time to sign up for the Women’s Fall Refocus Retreat at Delta Lake! Questions: contact Amy Skinner at office@oswegoalliance.org Fall RefocusSeptember 27-28, 2024Main Speaker: Ana Cuevas: National Alliance Women DirectorDelta Lake Conference Center6420 Pillmore Drive, Rome, NY 13440 Click here to Register for fall refocus
fire and fellowship is this friday
AUGUST 2 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Connect with other women around the campfire this summer at Jodi Jones’ house for fellowship, guest speakers, and activities. Bring a dish to pass based on last name: A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salt OR anyone can bring gluten free/ dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Free FOR INFORMATION JODI JONES jjones2094@gmail.com ART & JODI JONES’ HOME 2094 CR 8Oswego, NY 13126+ Google Map Women’s Discipleship | Oswego Alliance Church
fire and fellowship
Fire and Fellowship will be held at Jodi Jones’ home this Friday, July 12th from 6:30-8:00 pm Please bring a dish to pass based on your last name. A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salty or anyone can bring gluten free/dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Reach out to Jodi Jones with any questions: jjones2094@gmail.com