Need Childcare Volunteers for Foster Life Hope For the Journey Simulcast 4/12
Saturday April 12, 2025: 9am – 4pm Oswego Alliance Church We need childcare volunteers for this event.
DR Mission Trip Sharing Service Recap
In case you missed it! Here is the link to YouTube to watch Sunday’s Service: https://www.youtube.com/live/0m7Bh_jHJos?si=Rs32yd8DHV-t29qv Here is our slideshow!
This Sunday 2/16 During the SERVICE PRAY for Mission Team to DR 2/22-3/1
Join us for this Sunday’s service as we pray over our team headed to serve, along with CAC in Hinesburg, VT, with M2535 in the DR. Our 2024 team focused on healthcare, as featured in the video. This trip also includes VBS, ministries & projects. Pray their service will draw people to the Lord
Mission Trip to the DR 2/22-3/1/2025
Please be in prayer for those traveling to the DR for the Mission Trip 2/22 – 3/1/2025
Goal Reached Already!
Thank you for your Generosity!!!! As of 1/29/2025, we have already reached our goal of raising $3000 to purchase the eye exam kit to use during our Medical Mission Trip in the Dominican Republic!
Donate toward Portable Eye Exam Kit for Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic
DR Mission Trip – Please consider donating toward the fundraising goal of $3,000 to purchase a portable eye exam kit to use during the Medical Mission Trip.
Romanos coming to visit! Novembver 17th
Romanos are coming to town! Romanos Sharing Sunday Morning at 10 AM Rick and Tammie will be our featured speaker during our morning service at Oswego Alliance Church at 10:00 am. All are welcome to attend. For those desiring to be on the next Dominican Republic trip we will meet following the morning service on Nov. 17th Looking forward to seeing you November17. As always if you have any questions about the upcoming Dominican Republic Trip, please reach out to…
Upcoming Mission Trip Planned to the DR for 2/22-3/1 2025 Informational Meeting is Sunday 10/6/2024 at 6:30 pm
M2535 DR Trip 2/22-3/1/2025 For anyone interested in participating our upcoming 2025 Trip to the Dominican Republic to serve alongside Mission 2535 (https://mission2535.org/) please come to the Informational Meeting on Oct. 6th at 6:30 PM at Oswego Alliance Church. We will provide an overview of Mission 2535 and areas where we could serve in medical clinics, work on various building projects or even assist in ministries which are conducted by Mission 2535 in the communities and local churches. If you…