Fellowship (Page 2)

Fellowship (Page 2)

Bubble Photo Op

Bubble Photo OP! December 15 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Photo Op! December 15th with the Altmans! Take your own photographs in a bubble scene. After the Service. Free

Better Together Lunch Together 11/24/24

Better Together Lunch Together – November 24th – after service We will provide Pulled Pork and Tri-tip.  ***There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are able to bring a side dish of cabbage salad, macaroni & cheese, baked beans or dessert. ***  

New Meeting Day for Women’s Devotional and Prayer Group

Now meeting Thursdays at 6:30 pm at OAC The Women’s Devotional and Prayer group will start meeting on Thursdays September 19, 2023 Led by Amy Skinner, Lisa Meeker and Terri Bouffard Any questions: please email the church office at office@oswegoalliance.org Come even if you don’t have the book yet!

Save The DATE! Vintage Church Picnic September 8, 2024 after Church

Save the Date! September 8, 2024: Church Service at 10:00 am, Vintage Church Picnic to Follow! What to Bring? Bring a Dish to Pass and Wear Appropriate Clothing to Play Outdoor Games. If you have them: Bring Yard Games, Lawn Chairs, a Blanket and/or Eazy Up Tents for Shade. Who can come? Everyone and Anyone can come (Even if you forget your dish to pass!)

fire and fellowship is this friday

AUGUST 2 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Connect with other women around the campfire this summer at Jodi Jones’ house for fellowship, guest speakers, and activities. Bring a dish to pass based on last name: A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salt OR anyone can bring gluten free/ dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Free FOR INFORMATION JODI JONES jjones2094@gmail.com ART & JODI JONES’ HOME 2094 CR 8Oswego, NY 13126+ Google Map Women’s Discipleship | Oswego Alliance Church

fire and fellowship

Fire and Fellowship will be held at Jodi Jones’ home this Friday, July 12th from 6:30-8:00 pm Please bring a dish to pass based on your last name. A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salty or anyone can bring gluten free/dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Reach out to Jodi Jones with any questions: jjones2094@gmail.com
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