Fellowship (Page 2)
December was full of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace
Wow! December was full of blessings! December 24th: Free Christmas Eve Dinner Delivery 194 dinners delivered to individuals, 4 each to Stewarts on the East Side, West Side and Minetto
Ladies’ devotional and Prayer Group meets again January 9, 2025!
Ladies’ Devotional and Prayer Group will not meet today, December 26th or next Thursday. January 2nd. Looking forward to seeing you in Thursday, January 9, 2025! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Bubble Photos were a Success!
Sunday, December 15, 2024 Tom and Rosemary Altman gifted us with a wonderful Bubble Photo Experience.
Bubble Photo Op
Bubble Photo OP! December 15 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Photo Op! December 15th with the Altmans! Take your own photographs in a bubble scene. After the Service. Free
Better Together Lunch Together 11/24/24
Better Together Lunch Together – November 24th – after service We will provide Pulled Pork and Tri-tip. ***There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are able to bring a side dish of cabbage salad, macaroni & cheese, baked beans or dessert. ***
New Meeting Day for Women’s Devotional and Prayer Group
Now meeting Thursdays at 6:30 pm at OAC The Women’s Devotional and Prayer group will start meeting on Thursdays September 19, 2023 Led by Amy Skinner, Lisa Meeker and Terri Bouffard Any questions: please email the church office at office@oswegoalliance.org Come even if you don’t have the book yet!
Save The DATE! Vintage Church Picnic September 8, 2024 after Church
Save the Date! September 8, 2024: Church Service at 10:00 am, Vintage Church Picnic to Follow! What to Bring? Bring a Dish to Pass and Wear Appropriate Clothing to Play Outdoor Games. If you have them: Bring Yard Games, Lawn Chairs, a Blanket and/or Eazy Up Tents for Shade. Who can come? Everyone and Anyone can come (Even if you forget your dish to pass!)
fire and fellowship is this friday
AUGUST 2 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Connect with other women around the campfire this summer at Jodi Jones’ house for fellowship, guest speakers, and activities. Bring a dish to pass based on last name: A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salt OR anyone can bring gluten free/ dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Free FOR INFORMATION JODI JONES jjones2094@gmail.com ART & JODI JONES’ HOME 2094 CR 8Oswego, NY 13126+ Google Map Women’s Discipleship | Oswego Alliance Church
fire and fellowship
Fire and Fellowship will be held at Jodi Jones’ home this Friday, July 12th from 6:30-8:00 pm Please bring a dish to pass based on your last name. A-J veggie/fruit, K-S sweet, T-Z salty or anyone can bring gluten free/dairy free if you know you need something from that category. Reach out to Jodi Jones with any questions: jjones2094@gmail.com
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