Community (Page 3)

Community (Page 3)

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree – This year our Giving Tree will bless the Mercantile by filling its shelves with needed items.  Please take a stocking from the tree and return it with the items found on the list inside.

Better Together Lunch Together 11/24/24

Better Together Lunch Together – November 24th – after service We will provide Pulled Pork and Tri-tip.  ***There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are able to bring a side dish of cabbage salad, macaroni & cheese, baked beans or dessert. ***  

Many Hands make light work: Veterans Day Dinnner was held at OAC Community Center November 11th 2024

Veterans Day Dinner On Monday, November 11th, 2024, approximately 50 dinners were served to Veterans and their families at the Oswego Alliance Community Center complemented by thank you cards from children and musical entertainment by The Manley Boys. All attendees seemed very grateful and thankful. It was a pleasure to serve them. Here are just a few photos from last night’s Free Veterans Day Dinner at the Community Center

Veterans Day Dinner November 11, 2024 5-7 pm

Monday, November 11th, 2024 5-7 pm At the Community Center at 370 Thompson Rd., Oswego. To honor those who have served our country. All veterans are invited for the free dinner and all guests will be charged $5.00. Dinners will be eat in or take-out only and will consist of pasta w/meatballs, tossed salad, Italian bread, dessert and beverage. Beverages will be available for those eating in only. Those desiring to pre order take-outs are asked to call the church…

many hands make light work

The Mobile Food Pantry took place on Friday, August 23rd. It was scheduled to begin at 4:00 pm. Many cars began lining up at 1:00 pm We had volunteers of all ages. Both community and volunteers were blessed! There were 83 cars and we helped 584 people/ 155 Families!

Save The DATE! Vintage Church Picnic September 8, 2024 after Church

Save the Date! September 8, 2024: Church Service at 10:00 am, Vintage Church Picnic to Follow! What to Bring? Bring a Dish to Pass and Wear Appropriate Clothing to Play Outdoor Games. If you have them: Bring Yard Games, Lawn Chairs, a Blanket and/or Eazy Up Tents for Shade. Who can come? Everyone and Anyone can come (Even if you forget your dish to pass!)

VBS was a success

God Blessed us this week! We had amazing volunteers. We had 140 kids registered. Attendance was between 110 and 120 each day. We learned how to Shine Jesus’ Light Every Day! We had a table full of items donated for the homeless in our community and raised $433.67 for Creation Care Project in Indonesia.

Mercantile closed 7/19

The Oswego Alliance Mercantile will be closed this Friday July 19, 2024! We apologize for any inconvenience. The Mercantile will be open again the following Friday, July 26, 2024 from 11-3. See you then!

Mobile Food Pantry

Saturday July 13, 2024 1:00 pm The Oswego County Health Department partners with the Food Bank of Central New York to bring Mobile Food pantries to our county. The Oswego Alliance Church is glad to be a place where this occurs. Anyone in need of food assistance is encouraged to attend and receive a free box of food. The food boxes are limited to one per household and will be distributed while supplies last. There are no income requirements for…