Church News

Church News

Free Easter Dinner Delivery 4/19 10-12

Free Easter Dinner Delivery Oswego Alliance Church will offer a Free Easter Dinner Delivery between 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Saturday, April 19th to the first 200 meals ordered only. Delivery will be to homes within the Oswego City School District. Call church office Monday-Thursday 9-2, starting April 7th and ending April 17th before noon to reserve: 315-342-5493 If no one answers, please leave a message and someone will call you back. Leave detailed message including name, address, phone number…

Better Together Lunch 3/23

Remember to stay after the Service for our Better Together Lunch: Chili and Cornbread 03.23.2025 We are so thankful for those who signed up to bring Chili and Cornbread to church this coming Sunday, March 23rd, for our Better Together Lunch! Didn’t sign up? That’s ok, there’s always room for more!

Quilting/Crafting Weekend Was Buzzing with Creativity

A Time to Create and Fellowship Together at the Quilting/Crafting Weekend Lots of creating, concentrating, organizing, planning, ironing, measuring, cutting, sewing (and some ripping out) as well as snacking, sharing and laughing occurred at the Quilting/Crafting Weekend… and it wasn’t all Quilters! Some crocheting and embroidering happened as well! All are welcome to bring their crafts along our next gathering is April 11 & 12.