Church Event (Page 2)
December was full of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace
Wow! December was full of blessings! December 24th: Free Christmas Eve Dinner Delivery 194 dinners delivered to individuals, 4 each to Stewarts on the East Side, West Side and Minetto
Bubble Photos were a Success!
Sunday, December 15, 2024 Tom and Rosemary Altman gifted us with a wonderful Bubble Photo Experience.
Bubble Photo Op
Bubble Photo OP! December 15 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Photo Op! December 15th with the Altmans! Take your own photographs in a bubble scene. After the Service. Free
Drivers Needed for Free Christmas Eve Dinner Delivery
If you would like to volunteer to help with delivery, please contact Judy Reidy. Free Christmas Eve Dinner Delivery by Oswego Alliance Church Oswego Alliance Church will offer a free Christmas Dinner with delivery to homes within the Oswego City School District on Tuesday, December 24th to the first 200 meals ordered. Delivery will be 10AM-Noon. Reserve your meals by calling the church office at 315-342-5493 before Noon on Friday, December 20th. Please provide your name, address, phone number and quantity…
2024 Thanksgiving Dinner Delivery was a Success!
2024 Thanksgiving Dinner Delivery was a Success! Thank you to all who helped! Pictures to come soon!
Information Meeting for OAC Kids production
December 8, 2024 after the Annual Meeting Our Chaos, His Peace – Presented by OAC KidsA short play will be performed during our service on December 22nd. If your child might be interested, please attend the information meeting on December 8th, after the Annual Meeting. Ages that are able to participate are 6-12 years old. Most are non-speaking parts, so the kids do not need to be intimidated by having to memorize a lot of lines. Please contact Shelby Lower,…
A Service of Gratitude and Praise
On Sunday, November 24th, we had a service of Gratitude and Praise. As a church family we gathered with hearts of gratitude and praise. We shared how God was working our lives, and we wrote what we were thankful for.
Sunday, November 24, 2024: A Service of Gratitude and Praise
Sunday November 24, 2024: A service of Gratitude and Praise As a church family we will gather together with hearts of gratitude and praise. The origins of Thanksgiving are in harvest festivals. It was customary to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest in the cultures of both the Pilgrims who sailed from England in 1620 and the Native Americans they encountered. At its core, Thanksgiving is an expression of gratitude, a virtue that resonates deeply with the Christian faith. Gratitude is…
Annual Meeting 12/8/2024 After Service
The Annual Meeting is on December 8th after the church service. We will focus on the 2025 budget and the election of new officers. The preliminary ballot has been posted in the bulletin and on the bulletin board.
Better Together Lunch Together 11/24/24
Better Together Lunch Together – November 24th – after service We will provide Pulled Pork and Tri-tip. ***There is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are able to bring a side dish of cabbage salad, macaroni & cheese, baked beans or dessert. ***